The Top Causes of Boating Accidents

No boater wants to get in an accident – but the reality is that they happen all the time, all over the world. Some of these accidents can cause serious damage to the boat or surrounding environment, while others can be fatal for the driver or passenger. 

So many boating accidents can be traumatic and shocking for those that happen to them – they are often described as ‘unexpected.’ Of course, no one actively expects accidents to happen to them. However, by researching the most common types of accidents, you’ll be better prepared if they do come up.

Every year, the United States Coast Guard publishes a list of the top reasons that boating accidents occur – and we imagine Canada’s list would look similar.

Check out page 22 of this document for more info.

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The Top Reasons Accidents Happen – and How to Avoid Them

Operator Inattention 

One of the most common causes of boating accidents is operator inattention – meaning the driver of the boat is unfocused or distracted. For that reason, boating operators should be in the right mindset to operate a boat, should they be in that position. While someone is operating a boat, other passengers should be mindful and allow the driver to focus.

Improper Lookout

Another major contributor to accidents, this refers to the failure to perceive danger simply because no one was looking out for it. Someone on board should be monitoring nearby waters to detect people, boats, or other objects that could end up colliding.

Operator Inexperience 

Though any type of sailor could face an accident, it’s more common to see a less experienced sailor in a predicament. The more practical experience, knowledge and training that a sailor receives, the better they’ll be equipped to fend off hazards.

Excessive Speed 

Sure, it’s fun to shred through water at full speed, or see what your motor is fully capable of. But riders should be warned – moving through the water at excessive speed is dangerous, and can be noted as a top cause of of accidents.

Alcohol Use 

Alcohol use is actually the number one cause of fatal boating accidents. Put simply, it is irresponsible and dangerous to operate a vehicle of any kind – boat or otherwise – while under the influence. Passengers who are under the influence also run the risk of injuries or fatalities (drowning, for example,) and should take extra caution.

Navigation Rules Violation

The data shows that many accidents are caused by drivers who either ignore or fail to follow the requirements set by law. Most bodies of water are governed by law, and have requirements pertaining to speed and boat size, among other things – it’s important to learn these not just to avoid law violations, but for safety as well.

Restricted Vision

Some accidents are caused, in part, by the environment or a component of their boat. When the operator’s vision is affected by glare, sunlight, dirty windshield, or a boat component that is poorly shaped, the odds that they’ll collide into someone or something increase. 

Failure to Vent

Boats have a ventilation system that must be turned on to bring in fresh air and get rid of gasoline vapours from the engine compartment. Without proper ventilation, your boat could catch fire or even explode. For this reason, checking on your engine and making sure it’s functioning properly should be done regularly.

Sharp Turns

Abrupt changes to the direction of a boat’s course can lead to collisions with unseen entities – or even flips. Operators should practice proper turning techniques when learning how to control a boat, and sharp turns should be avoided whenever possible.  

Inadequate Onboard Navigation Lights

Boats need to be well lit, both for those onboard, as well as others in the water – this is particularly helpful in harsher, less sunny environments, or during trips that take place outside of peak sun hours.

Weather Factors and Hazardous Waters

A good sailor checks the forecast before setting sail – but still, the outdoors can be unpredictable, and weather can blindside even the most prepared boaters.

Improper Loading

Boats can become difficult to operate when weight shifts unexpectedly. Loading a boat carefully and thoughtfully seems like a minor thing to do, but it can prevent accidents.

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With proper training and a thoughtful approach, sailors can limit the risks of some of the most common causes of accidents. Remember – no matter how many years you’ve been sailing, it’s never a bad idea to revisit basic safety concepts. You could even save a life by doing it.