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ATV Hunting Tips

ATV Hunting Tips from Dunfords of Havelock

In hunting, the best game is often far off the beaten path. Having an ATV gives you the upper hand because you’ll be able to get to the territory that no one else can. Plus, an ATV allows you to carry more gear in, and pack your prize out with minimal effort. If you’re serious about hunting, especially big game hunting, an ATV is the way to go.

Read on to learn a few of our favorite tips for hunting with an ATV. When you need to find the perfect ATV for all your hunting needs, stop by Dunfords of Havelock. We’re located near Peterborough and Belleville, Ontario, and we proudly serve Kawartha and Oshawa, Ontario, as well.

Scout the Location Ahead of Time

A major portion of hunting comes before you ever pull on your camo and sling your rifle over your shoulder. One of the most important parts of preparation involves scouting the location of the hunt before the hunting season even starts.

Of course, the hunting location you’re looking for will vary depending on the game you’re hunting. Larger prey like elk, deer, and moose tend to look for places with their favorite types of vegetation. You might be able to determine their paths of movement by looking for deer paths and trails. A good spot will often have a sort of perch in which the wind will blow in your face. This will help you stay downwind of the prey so they don’t smell you and leave. An ATV gives you the ability to scout many hunting spots across a wide range.

Bring the Right Gear

Good gear can make a big difference in your hunt. A rifle scabbard is a great piece of equipment to have. It will protect your rifle and scope from the elements and keep it secure in transit. A winch is another helpful tool. If you need to pull your game out of the brush or onto flat land to dress it, a winch will help you do it in a snap. If you get lost, you’ll want to have a GPS available so you can find your way back. It will also allow you to mark locations on the map so that in the future you can return to the spot if it proves successful.

Leave Yourself Enough Daylight

It’s important to leave yourself enough daylight when hunting. Towards the end of the day, you might be tempted to stay out just a little bit longer to give yourself a better chance of seeing game. But this can be a dangerous thing to do. Even if you do see and shoot an animal, you might not have enough time to properly dress and break down the animal to bring it back to camp. Plus, traveling with the extra weight of the deer or whatever else you bagged will cause you to need to slow down. Before you know it, you could be stuck out in the woods in the dark. Getting back will really be a challenge then.

Be Courteous and Follow Local Regulations

Whenever you’re hunting, it’s important to be considerate of the local environment, regulations, and other hunters. Both hunting and ATV riding have their own regulations, and you should always stay within the bounds of both.

If you see other hunters, give them their space and find your own place. As you look for a good hunting spot, you may cross property lines. Make sure you always know whose property you’re on and that you have permission to be there. Avoid firing your rifle near roads and other buildings.

Hopefully, some of these tips will come in handy on your next hunt. When you need parts and services for your ATV, or if you want a new ATV, stop by Dunfords of Havelock. We’re located near Peterborough and Belleville, Ontario, and we proudly serve Oshawa and Kawartha, Ontario.