Everything You Need in Your ATV and UTV Tool Kit

When it comes to keeping your ATV running smoothly for years to come, maintenance is the most important factor in ensuring your quad lasts and runs well. When you’re out trail riding, you’re usually in the middle of nowhere, and break-downs on an ATV are something you want to avoid at all costs.

For this reason, it’s important to establish good maintenance and inspection habits. In this article, we will run through everything you should have in your tool kit, while providing some tips to ensure your quad is in tip-top shape.

Accessories to Have In Your Tool Kit

Air Compressor

Air pressure in tires is important. You will want an air compressor to ensure that the pressure in your tires is maintained regularly. ATVs are built to ride over rough terrain, but they’re not invincible. Tires are prone to losing air, which is something you want to stay on top of.

Pressure Gauge

This is a necessary tool so that you can determine when you need to top up the air in your tires. It will be often, so ensure that you have a gauge to inflate to the proper PSI. If they’re overinflated, this can cause premature wear. If they are underinflated, or unevenly inflated, this can cause safety issues and make steering difficult. This is something you want to avoid at all costs.


A set of socket wrenches will take you a long way in ATV maintenance. They can help you remove nuts and bolts without doing any damage and can save you a whole lot of time. Get yourself different sized ratchets to work with the socket wrenches.

Tow Strap

This is a must. Trying to haul an ATV back home from an hour or two away, by walking it, is a nightmare that you want to avoid.

Tire Plug Repair Kit

Tires get used and abused on ATVs. That’s a fact and no matter how good your tires are, it’s impossible to avoid punctures if you’re riding in tricky or rough terrain. Always have a tire plug repair kit handy.


A winch will help you and your fellow riders get out of sticky situations. It will also help you with hauling. This is something that any utility vehicle should be equipped with. It is a worthwhile investment and almost a given if you’re an ATV owner.

Spare Belts

Belts get used and abused and can wear out. Without a spare, you will be stuck if it fails. It’s important to look at the condition of your belt often. If you start to experience performance issues, or if you start to smell burning rubber, chances are, your belt is on the verge of going on you.


A set of socket wrenches comes in very handy when you’re doing maintenance on a quad. They save you a lot of time and make maintenance far easier.


A multimeter is one of the most important tools you will need to troubleshoot issues with your ATV. It can test voltage on your battery and can detect how much electricity is flowing through an object. It basically detects breaks in your wire and can help you determine the amps that are flowing through.


This goes without saying. Screwdrivers will always be necessary for maintenance. Luckily, they’re a great investment to make for everyday life – not just ATV maintenance.

Test Light

A test light can help you diagnose issues that may not be so obvious. This is a good tool to have handy when you’re scratching your head trying to figure out what the problem is.

ATV Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your ATV will ensure that your investment lasts and your quad is reliable. It is especially important on ATVs because they are used so frequently and in tough terrain. Below, we’ll go through some of the most important maintenance tips to follow.

Follow Break-In Procedure

Imagine, your ATV was built and sat in a factory before being delivered to you. It has never been used. Fluids have not had the opportunity to work their way through to properly lubricate everything. Don’t ignore the break-in process.

Check/Change Your Oil Regularly

Like a car, oil needs to be checked and changed regularly on an ATV. But it is even more important on a quad because they are used for hard work and aggressive riding. Changing your oil is the best defense against engine wear and power loss.

Keep Your Air Filter Clean

We cannot stress this enough. Quads are put through the ringer in terms of dirt, dust, and debris. Breathing through a mask might feel a little restricting. Now imagine breathing through a filthy one that is clogged with dirt and debris. Your engine is desperate for clean air. Give it some.

Check on Your Belt

Check your belt often. You don’t want it to break. Know the signs of wear. Performance issues, sluggishness, and the smell of burning rubber are all signs that your belt might be suffering. Changing it before it becomes an issue will save you a tonne of grief in the end.

Monitor Your Boots, Bolts, and Nuts

Things get loose when you’re riding in rough terrain. ATVs pack a punch but they also take a lot of them. Check nuts and bolts regularly. If they get loose, it can mean catastrophe. It’s a simple check that you should get into the habit of.

Maintain Tire Pressure

As stated above, tire pressure is very important. You don’t want to have to replace tires prematurely, and tire pressure can cause steering issues and accidents if it is not maintained properly.

Maintenance Will Take You A Long Way

If you’ve committed to the ATV life, commit to proper maintenance as well. Your machine is built to take a lot of hits, but you want it to breathe. You want it to be properly lubricated. You want it to run smoothly, because let’s face it, breaking down in the middle of nowhere is not something anyone wants to experience. Maintain your investment, get into good habits, and speak to your local ATV expert for tips and tricks to keep your machine in tip-top shape.