Be On The Look Out For These Common Boat Issues

Every boat owner knows that boats are bound to face damage at some point. Even the most careful driver will have to perform repairs eventually. But how can you be certain that a repair is actually necessary?

Some signs of boat issues are obvious, while others are more subtle – but both categories can indicate damage that urgently needs to be taken care of.

Read below to learn more about some of the most common signs of boat damage.

Most Common Issues to Arise in Boats

Faulty Electrical Connections

Electrical failures are one of the most common problems found on boats. Electrical equipment is already susceptible to damage in general – when you add the fact that it's being used on the water, you can expect even more problems. 

Water can cause electrical components to corrode, flicker, or fail. Some of these problems might be trivial – like your music system not working – but think of more serious circumstances. Safety and GPS equipment, for example, might rely on electricity. For that reason, it's important to keep an eye on your electrical equipment.

Broken Drive Belt

The drive belt is an important piece of machinery in boats and other devices. It's connected to pulleys and gears to keep everything moving. A broken drive belt will stop your alternator and water pump from working. Frustratingly, it isn't always obvious when your drive belt is broken. If your engine overheats and your voltage meter indicates a problem, you may have a broken drive belt. It's never a bad idea to carry a spare belt.

Damaged Rubrail

The rubrail is often the first point of contact between your boat and other objects. Plus, it connects the boat's deck with its hull. For those reasons, it's important to protect your rubrail – though this component often gets worn down. 

If you've been in any kind of collision, you shouldn't be surprised to see damage to your rubrail. Most often, this component gets twisted or bent. Fortunately, rubrails are usually easy to fix or replace, and they rarely indicate that there's damage to the rest of your boat.

READ MORE: The Importance of Having a Boat Lift to Protect Your Watercraft 

Signs Your Boat Needs to be Serviced or Repaired

The examples listed above are fairly easy problems to fix. The following problems, meanwhile, likely indicate that you'll need to get your boat repaired.

Steering is Difficult or Impossible

Have you noticed that your wheel won't quite turn the way you want it to? Does it resist more or less than normal? This is always worth checking out.

The ability to steer your boat properly is important for the safety of you, your passengers, and others in the water. Beyond that, a faulty steering wheel could be a sign of a larger problem.

Sometimes, the problem could be solved by adding hydraulic fluid. If that doesn't work, it may be worth checking to see if you have a hydraulic fuel line leak.

A faulty steering wheel could also be a sign of an engine or motor failure, corrosion on steering cables, or poorly greased support tubes.

Engine Overheats

Engines are the source of plenty of boat accidents, which is why you should pay close attention to signs of wear and tear.  

Fortunately, boat engines are at an advantage compared to those of other vehicles. Boats are surrounded by water, which naturally helps their engines cool down. This is part of what is known as a cooling loop. However, sometimes this cooling loop fails due to a few factors, and this can cause the engine to overheat.

There are plenty of potential causes, including blockage from a physical object, a broken component, or an engine that needs to be replaced.

Power Loss or Trouble Starting

Is there anything more frustrating for boat drivers than pushing to full throttle only for nothing to happen? You'll want to check your boat's fuel if your boat won't start, and check the battery as well. If the problem still isn't solved, you'll probably want to seek repair services.


Boats are bound to take in a bit of water naturally. When water levels in your boat start to rise, you should take action ASAP. Not only could you have to worry about sinking, but leaks can lead to water damage on the rest of your boat. 

READ MORE: Which Watercraft Best Suits Your Lifestyle

Unsure about your boat's condition? It's always better to be safe than sorry. It's important to be aware of some of the common boat problems and signs of damage. Remember, even the most experienced sailors face these problems from time to time.

At Dunfords of Havelock, we can help you through every step of your boat's maintenance process. From inspections to line flushes and tune-ups, our team of experienced professionals know exactly how to keep your watercraft in top condition.